June 25-27, 2018
Abstract and Experimental Painting
Portage, Michigan
Contact: Merle Plagge - 269 330 9808
or mplagge247@merleplaggeart.
special notes in supply list.
August 21-23, 2018
Experimental Improvisational Painting - Acrylic
Pours - Portage Michigan Contact: Merle Plagge -
269 330 9808
or mplagge247@merleplaggeart. Workshop
Supply list here
Register? Send e-mail
with name, address, phone and e-mail address
Student Working Outside
And Working Indoors
Demo Painting Start
Alcohol Inks
questions: call Merle at (269) 330-9808.
If you are
interested in sponsoring a workshop or having a workshop near you, in
Acrylic Ink/Experimental/Improvisational
Abstract Art please
call me anytime. Requirements are minimal.