My Daily Visual Diary — Older Images Archive
May 2917 through December 2018
Click on an image to see the rest of the photos in that gallery.

12/29 Reflections
Was attracted to the light reflections on this Ball, sitting across the room from it.

12/27 Fairy Lights on Padded Cloth Display
These tiny lights are powered by three small batteries inside. At this point I was getting sick--combination of GI flu and a cold

12/21 Window At Olive Garden
Taken between the window and a mesh screen, that you can see through to the interior ceiling and also some reflection of the window on the mesh.

12/20 My Painting in Client's Home
This is an old watercolor I did probably about 10 years ago, but it still looks bright and fresh. The lighting in this area wasn't good for photography though because of the lamp on the piano to the right. But had several good comments from others that were there.

12/19 Fourth Day of Clear Blue Sky
Beautiful golden light late this afternoon for Dixie and my walk. The Jet Stream has been kind to us these last four days. Both coasts and in the South have had heavy storms, while we've had our sunny weather.

12/16 Grace Harbor Church Ceiling
I've taken several pictures of this, but not pleased with any until now. We sat in a different place today for the Kalamazoo Ringers concert, so had a better perspective, and the sun cooperated too. Foggy this morning, but cleared around 1100.

12/15 Gorgeous Sunset and SOOC
No manipulation except reduced the size and cropped a bit. Looks like our cloudy period is ending.

12/14 Bark Patterns - Moisture
Interesting colors and patterns which really stand out after a day of rain and fog.

12/13 New Pool-1st Home Meet
New Pool at our high school and this was the first home meet since it opened. A beautiful facility with a scoreboard that really works.

12/12 Test Shot
Was testing my camera to see if the flash was firing (it wasn't), but liked the composition of this with the lights and darks.

12/11 Colored Glassware
Our friends have a case filled with beautiful colored glassware--I enjoy taking pictures of it every time we are there.

12/10 Beaten Pinata Las Psodus
The kids were having fund batting this Pinata--and finally got the candy out. Amazing how sturdy it was.

12/9 Lights in Nave at 1st Pres
Kalamazoo Singers concert tonight. A couple members of our church choir are in it. It was a "Baroque Christmas."

11/30 Guess What Kind of Restaurant
Went out for pizza tonight. This is the wall decoration just above our booth.

11/29 Most of Trees Still Coated
This big maple tree didn't get coated on the vertical trunk as much as most which still are well coated with snow and ice.

11/28 Chipping Up a Big Log
The tree removal company came and took down a neighbor's dead oak. Here they were chipping up an amazingly big log. Still a lot of snow on the trees.

11/27 Snow On Crabapple Tree
Cold set in and none of the snow from the trees has fallen or melted off. Everything sure is beautiful with the snow.

11/26 Early Snowfall Sticking on Everything
Our sunshine didn't last long last night. Clouded over shortly after sunset, and then the precipitation started. I think it started out as freezing rain around midnight, and then a gentle snowfall. All the trees and bushes are bent over almost to the ground.

11/25 Glorious Sun
Was cloudy most of the day, but towards sunset the clouds cleared and gave a golden glow to everything.

11/24 Dixie on Corner Bed in My Study
She loves to rumple up all the old blankets/quilts and then lays with her head hanging down, or up on an old pillow back there.

11/22 Mary's Christmas Cactus
We got a couple segment piece last year, and it now has about 4 segments and seems to be finally growing. Love this color.

11/21 Milkweed Seed Pods Finally Splitting-
Our milkweed seed pods are finally splitting. They looked pretty green when others were already grayish and disgorging their seeds.

11/19 Small Flower Arrangment
Was trying different lighting for different shots. This one, lit with a single LED flashlight which was low and to the back turned out nicely.

11/18 Makings For Kale Pesto
New flavor of pesto--very good. Here are the main two ingredients in the food processor awaiting some cheese and olive oil.

11/15 Ceiling Light in Monelli's Restaurant
New restaurant about 2 years ago and we had never been. So, to celebrated Barb's birthday went there tonight. It's an Italian Sports Bar and Grill, and the food was very good. We were there early, so it wasn't crowded, and had excellent service. This light overhead was interesting--it had a copper appearing shade on it. That blue light object on the lower left was a huge TV well over our heads.

11/14 Birefringent Celophane
This is wrapping cellophane and was a bright yellow color, but showed marked birefringence and I was able to capture it quite a bit with the camera. Then enhanced it in PP.

11/13 Oak Holdout
Went for a walk in Schrier Park and liked this tree, holding a bit of color. The wind was pretty strong, so I didn't stay long.

11/12 Dry Leaf on Painted Background
Rained/snowed all day. This is a leaf I brought in a week ago from one of our maple trees out back and it was nice and dry. Looked interesting on his w/c painting background which I blurred a bit in PP.

11/11 Hang In There Little Leaf
In spite of all the wind and cold and snow we've had this little leaf is strongly attached to this burning bush branch, that is otherwise bare. Lots of new buds for next year already formed.

11/9 New Look Of Our Landscape
Woke up to our first snow of the season. Quite early this year. Temps have been colder earlier also.

11/6 Color Gone In 24hr
This is the same tree as yesterday and about the same time. Today we had quite high gusts of wind and cloudy and rain this afternoon. The woods are getting bare, and prepared for the winter blast that's supposed to come later this week.

10/30 Berries on Burning Bush
They are so small and hidden in all the red glory of the leaves that you don't notice them at first.

10/29 Red Bud Seed Pods
This beautiful redbud tree was loaded with flowers this spring, had has had these big seed pods all summer. I can't ever remember seeing seed pods like this on it before.

10/28 Old Northern White Cedar Trunk
I think this tree is probably around a hundred years old--maybe longer. The trunk is twisted in multiple directions. It looked particularly striking in this persistent rain we've had today. Ran out of battery after just this one picture.

10/26 Burning Bush
Our neighbor across the side street has a couple of these bushes out front that are quite large, and are now at full color.

10/25 Viburnum Arrowood
I think that's the species name. If anybody knows for sure please let me know. I was amazed when I found these still blooming and very healthy looking in spite of several frosts and a couple of freezes (28° temps in the morning).

10/24 Tree In Rotten Base of Another Tree
This old oak tree had a big side branch that was sawed off many years ago, and the base of the tree on that side has rotted from the inside. The ants have been in it also. This summer I noticed this little tree growing in the find granular old wood, and not it has turned colors.

10/23 Prolific Spruce
Wow! there's a lot of cones on this old spruce tree. Would love to collect some, but they're all very high up.

10/22 Horse Nettle Fruit
I think this is the same plant that I photographed on August 28th and the berries were smaller and all green. Had a freeze a couple nites ago and now the plant is all shriveled up, but the berries still look viable.

10/19 Ornamental Crabapples
My eye was caught by the large water drops hanging on each fruit. The birds are going crazy over them now, as they've ripened. Just looking at the tree and not touching it--four birds flew out. The top of the tree is all bare of fruit, and there are some partly eaten ones in this view on the middle left.

10/17 Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing
An opening reception for Michigan wide university students art work at the Michigan Senate Building. Madeline's piece is hanging on the 5th Floor of the House Building. It was a cold, nasty, windy day which didn't allow any time for photography outdoors. Grabbed this as we were walking back to the car.

10/16 Branches on Big Oak
Took this because of the arrangement and large number of big branches that easily showed with the afternoon sun behind them.

10/15 Quilt Show at WMCC
This was a special challenge put on by the Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters for hanging in the West Michigan Cancer Center. And how much better the halls and areas looked that had quilts hanging in them. This quilt brightens up this corner beautifully and appreciated by many who viewed it.

10/13 BearCreek in Fulton State Game Area
It was flowing quite fast--after lots of rain we had yesterday. A lot of the trees are bare, and some haven't even started to turn color yet.

10/12 Beat Up Chicory - Hurricane Effect
Raining all day today, and saw this beat up chicory flower tonight. Had Dixie for her walk and it was cold and windy, so didn't get a good shot. And, since it was the only shutter click today, I had to use it. So, goofed it up a bit by swirling it.

10/11 Old Bouquet
The zinnias just seem to last forever, but the marigolds don't last, but still keep their color. I Was experimenting with my D90 and remote control and captured this.

10/8 Early Subtle Color Change
It's happening, but most of the trees are still waiting for colder weather. It was 82 deg. today.

10/7 Frosty Glass At Fletchers
A restaurant and pub in Texas Corners. They have delicious pizza, and it was on special today. $2.99 for a "Personal" size which is a very generous size. The water glass was getting pretty wet on the outside when I finally got to drinking some.

10/6 After The Rain
Big rain yesterday and last night. This little tree seemed to change some of it's leaves overnight.

10/4 Milkweed Seeds
They're getting ready to fly free to a new spot. This patch is very early in maturing this year. Ours are still green.

10/3 Purple Mums
I've been watching these buds enlarging for the past three or so weeks. Finally now they're open. Beautiful dark purple color.

9/29 Time For A Fire in the Stove
Weather has been unusually cool the last few days and the house is cooling down. May have to turn the furnace on if it doesn't warm up a little very soon.

9/28 Macro Large Tree Leaf
This is a Northern Catalpa that has a few leaves starting to loose their chlorophyll.

9/26 Glass Panel Door Webers HFH58 Reunion
Love how these distorted and sort of blurred everything beyond them. Nice texture also.

9/25 Atrium Ceiling BMH
Did some jiggling to the image in post. Otherwise sort of plain, but I liked the architectural look.

9/24 Red Bell Pepper Portage Senior Center Garden
This big plant was growing in a large pot. Have been watching this wondering when and if it would reach maturity. It looks delicious.

9/23 Wild Sunflower
Found this beauty in a patch under utility wires that had been stirred up and mulched up under the wires this Spring.

9/22 Zinnia Mixed Up Codec
This is a still clip of a 4K video I took of the zinnia garden area this afternoon. A few of the frames looked like the codec was mixed up--i think it was because it was a 4K video and the player I was using was not set up for that level. Anyway, I used this clip and further destroyed the precised detail with some posterization.

9/20 Shaggy Caps
These were growing very near a busy road. Just saw them this day, and they were gone the next day.

9/18 The Voyagers
Looks like the found their Portage. 🙂 These are two large wooden carvings that with their large canoe grace the lawn area of the city hall in Portage.

9/17 Large Monarch Larva in Garden at Portage Senior Center
This guy was sort of sluggish, and maybe was looking for a place to hang as he made a chrysalis.

9/16 B&W Abstract
Was in a mood for abstraction this afternoon. This is a white tire cover from our RV in the garage.

9/14 Silver-Spotted Skipper
Very flighty at first, but after he got used to my camera just gave it an eye and kept on sipping nectar.

9/11 Spotted Jewelweed
These are a late growing and blooming flower. Also called Touch-Me-Not because the seed pods when mature and are touched, snaps open and scatters the seeds widely.

9/9 Nine Square
A fun game for all ages and simple rules--keep the ball up and going. If you miss you're out and go to the end of the waiting line.

9/8 Air Feels This Way
Very cool all day today and no sun. Starting the transition to colder weather. The trees are feeling in already. Certainly not stressed this year for lack of water.

9/7 Vertical Parallel Lines-Forrest Trees
Trees growing strong to reach light often grow very straight.

9/4 Dutch Windmill-Krider Gardens in Middlebury, IN
Went on a Quilt Garden Tour today. Beautiful gardens here with lots more than just the quilt block garden. This old Dutch Windmill was exhibited in the Worlds Fair in Chicago, 1933-34.

8/30 Ornamental Crabapples
This tree is just loaded this year, Will be interesting how much the birds eat. They are very tiny.

8/29 Latitude 42 Brewing Co.
First time we've eaten here. Were celebrating Madeline's birthday. I had pizza and it was delicious, except quite salty. This is the brewing part of the building.

8/28 Horse Nettle Berries
Look like tiny tomatoes--and they should--they're related to tomatoes and potatoes.

8/24 Big Oak Showing Age
My favorite oak tree (because it's not in our yard) is starting to show it's age.

8/21 First Flower from the Begonia
This is the same plant we had last year and over wintered in the house. This Spring when we put it out it was pretty bedraggled, and has been growing new leaves and stems all summer, and now is ready to bloom again.

8/20 Unknown Whte FLower
Sort of looks like Rose of Sharon or Hollyhocks. But, alas neither. They are small low to the ground plants which came up from seed in the butterfly mixture I planted this Spring.

8/18 Boat Ride on Crooked Lake
Twas a beautiful evening. Notice the decorations on the opposite shore, which I have lightened to make more noticeable.

8/16 Pink Gladiolus
I never lift our glads but they keep coming back every year. I think we have relatively mild winters here, and we get a pretty heavy snow pack also.

8/15 Elderberries Ripening
Not too many of the blossoms bore fruit, but I'm looking forward to next year's flowers.

8/14 Wild Millett
There are all sorts of different weeds/flowers growing in the area chopped up this spring as they were clearing trees under the power lines.

8/13 Swallowtail At Portage Senior Center Butterfly Garden
I'm not sure, but I think it's a Black Swallowtail. Let me know if you have a different opinion.

8/12 Patterned Buterfly
This may be a moth since the body is so hairy. It's on our Butterfly Bush, which has attracted lots of visitors this year.

8/11 Tiny Mushrooms
They're back again this year. Seems hardly possible that yesterday we were in the forest greenery of Western Washington state and today back home in Michigan where it seems, the rain is trying to keep up with the Olympic Rain Forest amounts.

8/10 Leaving SEA
Unfortunately we had to leave. We had a wonderful visit with Tim and Anita, as well as Margaret & Larry in Colorado. A trip we will long remember.

8/8 Huge Cedars & Spruces at James Stewart Preserve
This area is just a short distance from downtown Aberdeen.

8/7 Monorail-Going Through Back of Museum Pop Art
There are two tracks in the system. It's a speedy ride over a mile in length that goes from Seattle Center to the Westlake Center, at Downtown end.

8/6 World Largest Spruce Tree
It is over 175 feet tall, and is estimated to be about 1000 years old. (There are some other pictures of it on my Smug Mug Site: /Western-Trip-2018/)

8/5 Skylite Grays Harbor College -Science Building
This is the main day lighting in the atrium of the science building. Love the patterns of the shadows on the floor beneath.

8/4 Mount St. Helen West View
From the highway, as we were going around from the southern Visitor Center to the north one.

8/3 Green Surrounded By Desert
Little green patches signal irrigation. Water probably from the Columbia River.

7/30 Horsetooth Reservoir at Lorry
This is the very back end of the reservoir which is the water supply for Ft. Collins.

7/28 Painted Electrical Service Boxes
They're all over Ft. Collins like this. All very nice and much better than a drab plain green box.

7/27 Lillies To Greet Us At Masons
As usual their garden was full of different flowers, including these lilies near the driveway as we came in.

7/22 Glistening Leaves
Looks like snow on the leaves. They are very water repellent so after a heavy rain they is how they look--glistening in the light.

7/20 Zinnia Further Growth of the Blossom
I think this is the same flower that I took a couple days ago showing the unfolding of more petals.

7/19 Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly
This gal landed right near me and I had by D10 and was using it, so all set. This shows the red spots on the under wing.

7/17 California Poppy
We have multiple colors of these beautiful flowers this year. Came as part of a butterfly collection.

7/14 Balloon Flower
They sure like their shady spot. Each year it has more and bigger flowers. The buds, just before they open look like balloons.

7/13 Red Sumac Seeds
Found on a vacant lot down the street from us. They say these seed stalks make a good tea.

7/12 Zinnia
Planted a big patch of mixed butterfly friendly flowers this Spring. The zinnias are just starting to bloom.

7/12 Red-spotted Purple
Just had to put this extra one in today, although not the quality I like. This beautiful iridescent blue butterfly landed near me as I was taking pictures in the patch of butterfly flowers I planted this Spring. I quickly focused and got this image, although quite small because I only had a normal lens on., and I was about 6 feet away from it. The next shot I tried a little closer didn't work--she too off. I think it's a Swallowtail, a Red-Spotted Purple. Look on the underside of the wing that shows and you can see the orangish-red spots. Gee, I've seen many more butterflies this summer than last year.

7/11 Queen Anne And Visitors
The Queen Anne's Lace are popping up all over now, some with huge umbels of bloom and all populated with some sort of insects.

7/10 Blueberries-Yummy
We've been surprised that the birds haven't gotten them all. Had a small dish worth tonight.

5/31 Sunrise Just Hitting Tree Top
This is a beautiful Yellow Locust tree and in afternoon glow it's a bright yellow.

5/28 Orchardgrass In Bloom
Growing in a ill kept lawn in the shade,but had a shaft of sunlight hit it as I was trying to photograph it.

5/26 Candle Holder at Jacs Pizza
Went after "All Ears Theatre" (Old Time Radio production.) Had lasagna--very good.

5/25 Autumn Olive
Quite an invasive species--related to Cardinal Olive and Russian Olive. Birds love the seeds and spread them widely, from which they easily sprout and grow rapidly. But, they have such wonderful sweet smell when they are blooming, and they provide food for the birds that we let them grow.

5/22 New Pavement - Hot Smelly Job
Finally stopped raining, so they paved the side road this morning. They heat from the asphalt is quite marked when standing next to it.

5/21 Garlic Mustard
This is a highly invasive plant in Michigan and threatens native wildflowers in many areas. It's a little difficult to eradicate because when pulled the roots break off easily, and soon they sprout another plant from the remaining roots. They cannot be composted because the seeds are difficult to kill with the heat of the composting process.

5/20 White Honeysuckle
They have been blooming for more than a week and I finally got a good picture--with my cell phone!

5/18 Overgrown--Fence Friday
These are forsythia bushes, that I have shown many times--across the street from us.

5/17 Lots of Big Trucks
Started resurfacing the side road this afternoon. Had 7 of these monsters line up, waiting to get the ground up surface. Will be interesting when they put the new surface down.

5/16 Japanese Maple Tree
Has beautiful red leaves and looking from below various colors because of the sunlight.

5/15 Yellow Iris
First time blooming this year--much earlier than our other ones. Finally a plant that deer don't like.

5/13 Viburnum Blooms
Don't remember this bush blooming before. Very, very strong sweet smell to the blossoms.

5/12 New Leaves with Different Colors
Shows the importance of painting trees with multiple colors of green.

5/11 There's A Bird Somewhere Up There
At least I saw one several months ago and I'm still checking to make sure.

5/10 Red Osier Dogwood Starting to Change Colors
Now that the leaves are coming out, the stems are darkening--especially the older and larger ones. This is the same bush as shown on March 30.

5/7 Primrose in the Portage Senior Center Garden
Several splashes of bright color around the gardens.

4/30 Pachysandra Blossom
Never knew these plants bloomed, but found these at the Senior Center today. They were being pollinated by the Mason Bees, which the Center is trying to raise this year.

4/28 Liberace's Piano
Went to Farmer's Alley Theatre last night. Was a one-man show called "Liberace" He relived Liberace's life. This was the piano he used. Great performance and a masterful pianist.

4/27 Daffodils Growing on our Side Hill
This group has multiplied and done well in the last couple years, but others nearby are dying away instead of multiplying.

4/26 Oakwood Bistro Wall and Ceiling
Dining Out for Life today. Had dinner here tonight. I had a delicious pizza. Haven't had one in almost 6 months.

4/25 Strong Weed
Growing right up through the black asphalt that was new late last fall. Will try and follow it's progress.

4/24 Painted Black Leaf
This oak leaf was stuck in the fence when it was painted--a thick heavy black plastic like paint. Will be interesting to see how long it stays there.

4/23 Star Grass of Some Variety
I have searched everywhere for the name of this flower, which has the appearance of Star Grass. Anyone know what it is?
Our spring season is about 2 weeks later this year that last. These flowers were blooming the first week of April last year.

4/22 Fire Hydrant In Dog Park
Very bright and colorful old fire plug sitting out in the middle of Portage Dog Park.

4/21 Fence & Forsythia
A day late for "Fence Friday" but yesterday the forsythia weren't blooming. Finally a spell of warmer weather.

4/19 Vulture on House Across Street
Dixie alerted us to this huge bird sitting on the roof of a house across the street. It soon flew away, after I got one shot.

4/18 Old Bovista Species Mushroom
We had several of these in hte lawn last fall, and I think that's what's left over. Apparently, still very much alive in spite of winter. It's cold, quite rigid and fleshy feeling.

4/17 Dried Lichens
This is the very same tree branch that I photographed on March 28 (see that pic in March folder). I've kept it out of the rain and snow since then, and it's dried out pretty much, but hasn't changed in the last few days. Now, I'm almost certain it's a lichen.

4/16 Snow Buds
Same bush as the last buds. They continue to grow in spite of the snow and cold at night--down to 18° at night. Notice the snowflakes on top of the buds.

4/15 Frozen Beadwork
Had some freezing rain very early this morning and still on everything when we were out walking. The sidewalks and roads weren't slippery though.

4/14 Multi Colored Tree Bark
This Ash Tree has been leaking sap from around this cut branch for years, but now seems to have stopped. But, the discoloration of the bark remains where it hasn't peeled off. Also the other parts are really black from the heavy constant rains last night and today. The lichens are a beautiful green now too.

4/13 Fence Friday:
This short white fence serves as a nice backdrop for this Rhododendron which will have beautiful purple flowers in about a month.

4/11 Green Buds Showing Finally
Our first warm day, and finally some green buds are showing on the underbrush bushes.

4/10 Frozen Puddle
Interesting pattern caught my eye immediately. Still having very cold weather and especially at night.

4/8 Heavy Frost Crystals
Much heavier than yesterday. Some of these ice crystals are well over a half inch long and just sparkling in the morning sun.

4/6 Cruel April Fool Joke
Hey, it's supposed to be Springtime and not Winter. But is was pretty while it lasted. Did warm up today and melted everything.

4/5 Oil On Water Solarized
Started making bread and had just poured the oil in the pan. Colors interesting and nice composition, so had to stop and photograph it first. Needed some color boost, so reversed the tone curves--what we used to call Solarization.

3/30 Red Osier Dogwood
It's the time of the year this plant's stems are a brilliant red. Later on it won't be near as striking. Late next Fall they will begin turning again.

3/29 Strong Center of Interest Demonstrated with PaintChips
Several reaons for it to be a strong center of interest. Can you name them?

3/27 Power Pole1982 Vintage
Soaking wet--all the rough fibers are a whitish color. The round tag says "1982 Consumers Power Co."
That company is now Consumers Energy.

3/24 Mables with Off Placed Center of Interest
After a confused eye, you finally are drawn to that small red marble--red always draws your eye. Even though the background is red, that marble is darker and attracts your eye--even though it's not placed in a good position.

3/22 Cream of Tomato Soup
Cream of tomato soup with a dollop of wheatgrass/kale dried powder. Supposed to be good for you. I didn't particularly like the flavor imparted though. Nicer for a photograph!

3/21 Marbles on a Painted Background
And interestingly all the marbles are exactly the same color and characteristics.

3/20 Poly Lights
I think these rods are a polypropylene and transmit light nicely, from a light in the base of the ornament.

3/19 Woodpecker Hole
I don't think anything is om it. Thought about puttine my camera lens up in the hold, but it was just a little too high for comfort--especially with Dixie with me.

3/18 Frost Crystals
Everything was coated with frost this morning. This is the handle of a garbage container cover.

3/17 Hard Winter for Young Spruce Trees
These trees were planted last Spring and didn't seem to do well all summer (hot & dry), and now they are totally dead.

3/16 Dinner at Lansing Brewing Company
I don't know about the beer, but the food was great, and the place was packed, but we got right in and were served promptly.

3/15 Suction Cup Reflections
This holds a sun catcher, but the bright light was behind the suction cup and giving all sorts of reflections. I think even the camera.

3/14 Old Leaves Glowing In Sun
Wonderful late afternoon back lighting on old brown oak leaves. Makes them just glow.

3/11 Orchid Blooming
Our orchid has been blooming for almost two weeks now. All 5 blossoms are open now.

3/10 Christmas Cactus Blooming Again
I think this is the third time this season, and it's a major bloom this time. The entire plant is covered with blooms.

3/8 Promising Sunrise
But a half hour later it was snowing again--typical of our lake effect snows. Sunshine one minute and a minute later white out snows. Causes a lot of accidents on I-94 near here.

3/7 Lake Effect Snow -- Graupel
Looked like somebody opened a bean bag full of Styrofoam beads, and it blew all over the ground. This effect on the snow happens when supercooled water falls through snow flakes which collect on the surface and form these pellets. Quite unlike sleet.

3/5 Juniper & Berries
Found these alongside the path--probably from a Christmas decoration as they were all dried up.

2/28 Dry Shelf Fungi
Hadn't had any snow or rain in several days, so they were all dried and shriveled up. Compare with next photo.

2/27 Trash Can Auto Dealership
Love reflective surfaces, and especially ones that diffuse the reflection a bit.

2/26 Frost Crystals on Leaf
Perfect conditions last night, and notice the size of the crystals. Morning sun just starting to hit the ground and melt them.

2/24 Beautiful Lakeview High School Pool
The Southwest Michigh Athletic Conference finals here. Of course Portage won.

2/23 Frosty Tomatoes
These a big Roma tomatoes that were stored in the freezer and in thawing out have become coated with white frost.

2/22 Green Moss and Lichens
At the base of this old tree. Also notice the piece of very old rusty barbed wire going diagonally across the base. Up a little higher it has totally been incorporated in the trunk of the tree. Nice surprise for a chain saw in a few years or someone walking near the tree.

2/21 Moss Was Growing Under Snow
And looks very healthy also. The snow quickly melted in the past couple days.

2/19 Green - With Yellow And Blue
Watercolor palette. The three colors, green, yellow and blue can make a myriad of green colors very easily and quickly.

2/18 Texture Tools For Painting
And one is a pretty green. It makes beautiful squares when used as a stamp.

2/17 Healthy Green Salad
And Delicious also. Homemade dressing, with Olive Oil, sauce of onion, horseradish and dilweed, and a small dash of Spicy Siriachia Balsamic Vinegar

2/15 Green Lichen
When it's wet outside this tree just seems to glow with the light green lichens on the bark--and just in the places that gets wet with rain or fog.

2/14 GREEN - Bunches Of Green Onions
What better place to find green than the grocery store produce section. Convenientely we needed some green onions so here they are.

2/13 Part Of Yesterdays Pict
It was lying on the table in a spot that suddenly a bit of sunshine hit it for just a couple minutes--and I was standing there nearby. It was so unusual--just had to take a picture. Can you figure out where it fits with yesterday's green thing?

2/12 Something Green
Since it's been so cold and inhospitable outside I'm going to start a week project--Something Green. This can be indoors or out. This one is indoors. What is it?

2/10 Classic Michigan Winter Scene
Had about 10 more inches of snow yesterday--just to freshen things up. If we need to have winter, this is the way it should look.

2/8 Overhead Fan
Wasn't feeling good yesterday and forgot about taking a picture till I was getting ready for bed. Quick got a camera and crawled in bed. I've been wanting to take this picture for a long time as I see it every day.

2/7 Snow Upon Snow
We're hitting our stride for snow now. Almost every day some. Tomorrow supplosed to get lots.

2/6 Orchid Getting Ready to Bloom
But it's been very slow growing this winter--probably because the temp is low in the house for orchids. Probably will be another week before it opens.

2/4 Fresh Snow Overnight
Everything white and pretty again after a week or so of dirt and bare trees.

1/31 Threads in Carying Box
Weather turned nasty outside and dreary, so will shoot indoors for a while. Colorful and interesting patterns.

1/30 Milkweed Still Standing
Standing in spire of all the wind and rain and snow we've had this winter. Looks like a mask in one area.

1/26 Accidental Exposure
I was taking a shot at Madeline's reception and forgot I had the camera still set on a 15 frame/sec. burst. So, after a few frames I pulled the camera down, and this was captured in the process--it's the floor of the gallery and shadows from a table.

1/25 Ice In Puddle
Cold overnight. Lots of small puddles that froze and have interesting crystal structures.

1/24 Puddle Starting To Freeze
Unusually warm weather past few days, but today it was cooling off. Interesting textures from the slusshy ice/snow mix on the pavement.

1/22 Artificial Studio Flowers
I keep a vase full of artificial flowers I've found around the cemetery fences, and they help brighten up the room as well as providing photographic subject matter for days like today with almost constant drizzle/rain.

1/21 Lights at KIA
Went to see a quilt exhibit this afternoon. Love these little lights and I've tried several times to get a good picture of them. I think this succeeded. Just laid the camera flat down on the base and took a blind shot looking up.

1/20 Escape From Wind
Quite windy yesterday--artificial flowers blew all over and settled in low places in the snow.

1/19 Dying Rose Petal --macro
Some of the petals are dying and falling off. Interesting how different the veins are from other plants.

1/18 Windy-Loose Balloons
Walking the back part of the cemetery--Dixie couldn't stop barking at them, even as we got closer.

1/14 Interesting Ceiling
Doing our walking again today in the mall. Weather outside very cold especially bad because of the wind. This I noticed in one of the department stores. Probably helps diffuse and absorb sound and light.

1/13 New Store In Mall - Reflections
Walked in the Mall today, instead of on a treadmill. A new store was being constructed behind this wall which was glass with a black backing, making an excellent mirror.

1/12 Sunset After Storm
Finally stopped raining and changed to snow oveernight. Tonight this sunset showed even some in the northern and southern skies.

1/10 Tree Reflections in Wet Pavement
Sudden warm temps and rain made a large reflecting surface of this new asphalt--just laid in November.

1/9 Winter Trees Abstracted
Interesting technique to abstract and at the same time clarify the trees in the woods.

1/7 Blinds-Converging Parallel Lines
Sitting right undeer this window, I was impressed by all the converging parallel lines.

1/6 Winter Patterns
You'll never guess where this was taken. Please let me know what you think it is.

1/5 Lights Reflecting in Small Ornaments on Wreath
Today is the 12th and last day of Christmas. I'll end it with a Christmas picture. This on taken early in the morning while the lights were on, on the big wreath in the window. Taken during Blue Hour.

1/4 Christmas Cactus Bloom
Our big cactus plant is blooming again, after blooming a couple times in the late summer and fall, although not as many blossoms this time.

1/3 Light at Olive Garden Restaurant
Haven't been going out to eat much lately, but came to Olive Garden to celebrate our Grandson's 17th birthday. Of course I have to take a picture of the ceiling or lights, or a combination as here. These are usually blind shots, with the camera lying flat on the table in front of me.

12/30 Matt Blowing Our Driveway
Snows some every day, some days heavier. Last night and this morning was quite a bit.

12/29 Norway Spruce Weighted Down with Snow
Hasn't been snowing heavily, but just constantly, so every time I go out there's a fresh layer of snow on everything. And, it's been very cold--sometimes below zero in the morning.

12/28 Tree Ornament - Sputnik
Another of our homemade ornaments--guess the time frame when it was made...

12/27 Homemade Ornament
Barb and I made several ornaments similar to this one, a year or two after we were married, so that makes them well over 50 years old, and displayed each year we've had a tree. Missed a few when we had gone to Florida or California for the winter a few years back.

12/26 Beautiful But Very Cold
Snowed pretty much all day yesterday. Today, occasional lake-effect snow bands, mixed with sunshine.

12/23 Milkweed Seeds Still In Pod
In spite of all the wind and precipitation. They don't look very plump though, so probably have been sucked lifeless by the milkweed bugs this summer.

12/22 Our Big Oak with Overcast Winter Sky
With a cold wind whipping in from the North, this oak stands tall and sturdy, with huge limbs over a foot in diameter.

12/21 The Flower of Christmas -- Traditional Red Poinsettias
Seems like they come in all different colors these days, but to me the red ones are the true Christmas color.

12/20 Crocheted Oranament
Showing various ornaments when the weather has been too bad or very cloudy and dark outside.

12/19 Selfies In Christmas Ornaments
Was looking out the window this morning and these are in a bowl in front of the window and caught my eye. Tried a couple cameras, and my phone camera gave me the best rendering. When you want good depth of field, you can't beat the very short lens in phone cameras.

12/18 Cardboard Mailing Tubes PUCC
Some mailing tubes used by the pre-school at church. Liked the lighting with just a distant hall light.

12/17 Ceiling in Center of Grace Harbor Church
Kalamazoo Ringers (an internationally known Bronze Choir) had their Christmas concert this afternoon. Beautiful and thoughtful narration and readings about Christmas during WWI.

12/10 Flowers In Strange Places in the Winter
Flowers seem to bloom in strange places in the wintertime. 🙂

12/9 Detail From Painting (Parallel Lines-parallelograms, rectangles and squares)
From a painting in watercolor I did a few years ago--has lots of parallel lines as well as different shapes using parallel lines.

12/7 Parallel Lines and a Polygram
The lines on the wallpaper are converging, and the polygram is from the wall, the right side of the frame and the top strip.

12/5 When Are Parallel Lines Not Parallel
When viewed straight on the edges of this pole are parallel, but in this camera view some are converging. Ah, a lesson in 'perspective.'

12/3 Rotten Tree Still Standing
Found this on my walk this afternoon. Looks like it could blow over in a strong wind. But pretty with the low sun shining on it. This week I think I'll concentrate on parallel lines--to see where I can find them.

12/2 Geode- Cut and Polished
This shows the internal structure of a geode which on the outside is rather plain. The colors in the crystals are beautiful.

12/1 Polished Black Granite
It's a stone, and it's highly polished so that it reflects like a mirror, but imparting it's own texture.

11/29 Rocks With Ground Cover
Pile of rocks at entrance road to a small community. This is ajuga growing between the rocks.

11/27 Low Rock Wall
In total shade from evergreen trees, thus the bluish cast. I didn't change any setting except a little less exposure.

11/26 Rocks with Lichens
This week I'm going to try and focus on rocks--of any kind. It will be interesting and challenging to find rocks in this flat country, especially around our house.

11/25 Plethora of Butternuts & Acorns This Year
Wow! Beneath all our butternut trees the ground is just carpeted with nuts. Also mixed in are some acorns which are very abundant this year. Had a good Spring for the trees.

11/24 Solarized Photo - What is It?
Ah, photographs never lie! But they sometimes only tell part of the truth.

11/23 Shaggy Bark Birch
Gee, the sun even came out late this morning. These trees are in our nieghbors yard. Very interesting.

11/22 Oil-Water Experiments
This is motor oil, on water and then the colors reversed on the computer.

11/20 Still Quite Full of Leaves
Amazing how many leaves are still on the trees, in spite of two days of rain and wind. Many of the oaks have lost very few.

11/19 Mixed Grove Trees
Last night when I saw these they were soaking wet from a still steady all day rain and the black just seemed to be glowing in the fading light, but alas I was too quick in moving my camera and it was blurry, and I didn't take any additional shots. In this shot, some of the trees are drying off, so aren't nearly as pronounced in color as last evening. I think most of these are sassafras trees. They bud early in the spring and fall early for autumn.

11/18 Old 35mm Film Canisters
For some reason I had trouble taking sharp photos yesterday afternoon. The original I was going to use was just too blurry, so caught this one. What can I do with hundreds of these? Most are plastic and do not have any markings on them, so probably aren't recyclable.

11/16 Birthday Flowers
Beautiful bright and colorful flowers arrived yesterday late afternoon for my wonderful bride of 50++ years.

11/15 Wet Milkweed Seeds
Has rained all day and these just emerging seeds don't look like they'll fly anywhere, but will probably dry out before they take off in a strong breeze.

11/14 Holly Leaves Rimmed with Frost
Still night and dipped into the mid 20's, so lots of frost on everything this morning.

11/12 Beautiful Leaf In Lawn
Has been raining off an on all day. Finally this afternoon it stopped enough that I could get out. Lots of wonderful maple leaves in the back yard, like this one, but variable.

11/11 Delicious Sweet Potato Fries
Big dish full of sweet potato fries with Helga and Chuck Flower--polished them off by the end.

11/10 Begonia Indoors
Brought this big hanging basket in as it was just full of blossoms when the weather turned cold, and felt that even if it only lasted a week or so it was worth it. Still going strong after a week. But it doesn't probably get enough sun where it's at.

11/9 Finally Leaves Coming Down
And just in time--we're getting our first real cold snap this weekend with Lake-Effect Snow predicted. That would be bad for trees still loaded with leaves.

11/8 Oil On Water-Posterized
This shot was incredibly dull as originally shot, mainly because it was shot in a white cup. After cropping, sharpening and posterizing it is a great abstract.

11/7 Interesting Church Architecture
Especially because of the angle I took it. Much more conventional in other ways.

11/6 Different Day - Different Colors
Yes, what a difference a day makes. Gorgeous colors in the late afternoon sun. Same area as yesterday, but in opposite direction.

11/5 Foggy Morning
Became much warmer overnight and very foggy this morning. Stayed foggy even through some heavy rain, till shortly after noon a wind swept through and it was gone in an instant.

Wet Lichens On Butternut Tree
With fog and rain these were soaking wet and just seemed so vibrant. Couldn't resist them.

11/4 Begonia Blossom In Rosemary
This blossom fell on the floor, so I put in our big rosemary plant which is old and quite woody. Brought the plant in from outside a week or so ago. It's still blooming profusely.

11/03 At Schrier Park
Beautiful sunny relatively comfortable day. First time out after MI. This shows the old apple orchard in the background. They used to spray the trees, but I don't think they do anymore.

10/26 Black Walnuts
In raking leaves this afternoon, I uncovered a whole lot of walnuts. Probably half a bushel of them. I'm thinking about trying to grow them.

10/25 Oak Leaves Turning
Oaks seem to do a quick turn around in color. The beautiful red color seems very short lived before it turns to a bright brown color.

10/24 Maple Tree In Rain
Pouring rain when Dixie and I went for a walk. This tree was all shiny and glowing in the rain.

10/23 In And Out At Once at PSC
Reflection of inside looking out through the large glass window in our art room at the Portage Senior Center.

10/22 Ceiling Fan and Unusual Tiles
On the "Arts and Eats" tour today, we stopped and ate at this small town restaurant (Wayland). Delicious hearty meal at Simply Celia's. The lights in the fan were also different and very decorative.

10/21 Sebastapol Goose
On an Art Tour today, stopped at one farm that was doing pottery, and they had this goose and several showy chickens running around outside.

10/20 Fly By Over McCamley Field
Last home game for PCHS Mustangs, and the last game in this stadium, with many festivities during the evening, including this fly over by a couple of planes. Built in 1947, it was named after Stuart McCamley, school board president for 8 years in the mid 40's until 1953. It will be torn down this Spring and a new stadium built.

10/19 Very Unusual Pink Colored Fungus
These little pink colored bodies are only about 4 mm in diameter, and growing on a very rotten wet log. I have never seen them before and have no idea what they are.

10/18 Fall Leaves-Clear Blue Sky
After our hurricane rain last weekend, our weather has been beautiful, but still no frost or freeze, so the colors have been slow in coming.

10/17 New Artist Markers
I've been impressed with the one free 'Concept' marker I received from ISEA a couple years ago, so brought some more. Will be interesting to try the different colors.

10/15 Drying Ornamental Crabapples
We had such a dry late summer and fall that everything was drying up. Leaves were falling without any change to fall color. Then came the big rain. Yesterday we got 7 1/2" all in about 30 hours. Water everywhere.

10/13 Reflector Bollard
Working on the road in a nearby park and have these all over the place. Was attracted to them because of the sun shining on them--seemed like crystals in side, but didn't show that way on the photo.

10/12 Learning Layers-Wet Photo Process
This is a merged image of two diffeerent images taken a few years ago. Spent today working and learning 'Layers.' I used On1 Photo Raw for this software. My interpretation of the dirty, polluting wet photo process.

10/11 Fuschia Cultivar
Not sure exactly what these are, but they are beautiful, especially after a downpour.

10/8 Burning Bush Color
After some rain the past few days everything is finally starting to get beautiful. This is a hedge bush that turns a violent bright red in the Fall.

10/7 Big Mushroom
Interesting how the top has formed a cup shape--probably because of the recent rains we've had after a long very, very dry spell.

10/4 Between The Layers
Between the layers of a quilt, that is. The pretty top is on top and the batting and backing are below.

10/3 Brewery In the basement at The B.O.B.
A famous eatery in downtown Grand Rapids. Had lunch there today, visiting for Art Prize.

9/26 Maturing Mushroom
This is the same mushroom that I showed a couple days ago with the slugs on it. It's starting to look pretty ragged.

9/25 Sedum or Stonecrop
Saw the first two honey bees on this plant while initially looking at it. All the bees seemed to like it very much.

9/24 Two Fat Slugs Having Breakfast on a New Mushroom
Although we've had a very dry late summer and fall so far, there are some mushrooms popping up.

9/23 Sassafras Leaves
Finally something is turning red. And notice there are three different shaped leaves on the sasme branch--the only tree that has this configuration.

9/22 Huge Limb Down
Late summer is a tough time for the big oak trees, especially when there's been a relatively moist early Spring and Summer. Usually there are so many maturing acorns, and the leaves are still there, so the weight becomes too much, and a huge limb will crack off and drop. I think that's what happened to this one.

9/19 Fall Leaves Mostly Brown this year.
Had to look around to find a slightly red leaf. Most just turn brown and fall off the tree. Not much color so far.

9/17 Lake Michigan at Barnes Park in Antrim County
We outran the showers in the UP, but now they were catching up with us.

9/16 The Antlers Restaurant in Sault Ste. Marie, MI
It's been more than 20 years since we were there, but some things have changed. There's new owners, but the bar and restaurant are about the same.

9/15 Goldenrod Flowering
For hayfever suffers this is a bad season. These beautiful golden flowers are the source of much allergen producing pollen.

9/14 Mill Pond at Wilderness State Park
Got this on an evening walk at Wilderness. Weather was beautiful.

9/11 Butterfly Weed
This is the preferred milkweed for Monarchs, but they will also use the common milkweeds which bloom in the spring. The flowers are the same form, but just different colors on these.

9/9 Deer in our Front Yard
Getting dark, but still enough light for a picture. There were two of them together in the back by our blueberry bushes, but when I came out with the camera they split. One went to the front another disappeared into our back neighbors yard. I followed this one around to the front. He left a second after I took this and went across the street to the woods there.

9/8 Old Fashioned Mailboxes
Went to Art Hop tonight in Kalamazoo, and these mailboxes are in the Park Trades building--an old factory that has been converted to artist studios.

9/7 Rain Reflections
Finally some much needed rain, while Texas and Florida are flooding. Liked these reflections off this new car in the streetlight.

9/6 Jackema Skin
Was in getting some oranges and bananas today and saw these huge fruits (about 18" long and at least 10" wide) with a knobby surface. The label said Jackema. But the internet has been very sparse with information about them. Will do some more searching. [We didn't buy one]

9/5 Large Milkweed Bugs New Hatch
These are all juvenile forms, just hatched in the last day or so. They generally don't harm the milkweed, but are toxic to other predators. They overwinter by migrating South.

9/4 Sky Rays
This was not too long after a quick shower this morning. Unusual looking clouds and light rays from behind it.

9/3 Cucumber Hanging On Vine
Severe drought like conditions have made garden harvests low, even with almost constant watering.

8/30 Cedar Berries
These are like pine cones on spruce and pine trees. They have a very pungent cedar smell. Notice the flat, scale like leaves

8/29 Thistle Flower
Beautiful flower up close. I think this is a small plant of a Bull Thistle. Ground probably not very good where it's growing.

8/28 Butterfly Milkweed Buds
This is the favorite milkweed variety for the Monarchs. Beautiful yellow and red flowers.

8/26 American Yew - Taxus canadensis
This evergreen shrub has a unique fruit, found on no other shrub or tree. The seed is bare inside the juicy red fruit, borne on female trees.

8/25 Gladiolus
These glads have been blooming each year now for probably 10 years, without digging them up each Fall and replanting them in the Spring. Although, now the flowers seem to be smaller and less of them.

8/23 Colorful Driveway Again
A little windy today also. But beautiful cloudless sky that dried things well.

8/22 Acrylic Pour As Demo
This was made using Paint Easy and Student Grade acrylics. Beautiful cells and added a little bit of red--maybe a drop too much. This is only a 10 cm tile.

8/21 Remains Of A Big Fight
There were a couple other feathers scattered around, most of them smaller fluffy pin feathers and down. Site didn't look like it was fatal on either side.

8/20 Quasi Double Begonia
This little flower wanted to be a double begonia like all the rest on the plant, but just didn't quite make it. Still pretty.

8/19 Squash Blossom-Bee Caught in Bottom and Covered in Pollen
The bee struggled for a bit to get out, but finally made it.

8/18 Mechanicals Overhead
Twisted and turned to make them look dizzily. Was at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids today for the big Quilt Week there. This is just a small section of the roof/ceiling, but multiply this by a hundred times to get an idea of what the whole thing looks like.

8/16 Corner In Franco's Pizzeria
Just thought it looked like a good abstract in camera. Lucky I took it, because the other image I planned on using I had not changed the focus method, and all three that I took were blurry.

8/14 Cleome (Spider Flower) At PSC
This is a tropical plant that is perennial in zones with no freezing. But, grows most places as an annual from seed.

8/13 Grapes Starting To Ripen
Should be a good crop, IF the deer, chipmunks, raccoons, skunks and birds leave them alone. So far no evidence of their activity.

8/12 Rubus spectabilis (Pursh)
Very difficult plant to identify. All of the images on the web refer to a low growing bush with stiff stems. This plant is very low growing (in our lawn) with a vining habit. Anybody have any other ideas?

8/11 Cicada Exoskeleton
I think this is the molt exoskeleton left. It's been on this tree for a week or more. I finally found it today.

8/9 Curly Dock Seeds
A fairly common weed in Michigan. These stems are often used in decorative/art flower arrangements. Their rich brown color contrasts nicely with flower colors and greenery.

7/27 Glass Candle Light Holder
Interesting abstract design on a candle holder at the Palette Restaurant in Petoskey.

7-26 Sante Cafe in Boyne City
Delicious brunch at this new cafe on the waterfront in Boyne City. I think these are all functional bottles, but they make a nice decoratioin.

7/25 Charlevoix City Band
They have a big band this year and played some rather difficult music--sounded great.

7/22 Motherwort Seeds
They don't seem to stick to clothing, but are very sharp. Lots of seeds tucked in there.

7/21 Common Dragon Fly
Almost transparent wings. I was surprised she/he stuck around long enough for me to get my camera out, after trying with my cell phone. This is a Common Skimmer, but I don't know exactly what group it falls in. There was another with this one that had darker wings, with the same spots. I presume they were a pair foraging for food--lots of mosquitoes around.

7/20 Seed Geranium
These plants are started from seeds, so take a little longer to get going, but once they've gotten big enough they produce lots of flowers.

7/18 Horse-Nettle
These wild flowers are relatives of the tomato. They have the same looking flower, but don't produce anything good to eat.

7/17 Monarch Butterfly
This must be a fairly young one--his wings are in pretty good shape. This is the first monarch I've seen in about 2 years.

7/14 Multi-rotated Multiple Distortions on Computer - Mr. Smiley
This started with three in-camera exposures on one frame of chair cushions in our living room. Then in the computer I enhanced the colors and distorted the image several times with some cropping in between and at the end.

7/13 Seedhead Yellow Hawkweed
Weeds with pretty yellow flowers, which yield seeds not unlike those of the dandelion, except these flowers have long slender stalks and wave in the breeze. They grow far better in our lawn than the grass.

7/12 Back Underside of Honda
Same parking lot--same reason. Gee, it doesn't look too bad for a 13 year old car.

7/11 New Perspective On Our Car
I was waiting in the car for Barb who was shopping in a store . It got pretty warm so went out and decided to see what's under the car.

7/10 Dwarf Pinks in Senior Center Garden
Nice gardens right outside the window of the room we hold our Open Art sessions.

7/09 Snowballs
These are a separate variety of hydrangeas. Bush is just covered with white balls of flowers.

7/07 Grape Holly Fruit
This really is a holly--look at those pointed leaves on the left side--and they pick just like any holly plant does. That big leaf on the right side is a regular grape leaf. The birds do eat these, but not many. These have been blue for several days and most are still there.

7/06 Wild Garlic Seed Bulblets
Bad hair day. 🙂 This bunch of bulblets sits atop a long slender stalk and it eventually bends over to move the seeds (bulblets) further away from the parent plant.

7/4 Fireworks (Of Course)
Private show of fireworks tonight. Just at the right time for photography and can easily get up close.

7/03 Hybrid Daylily
This is one we purchased from White Flower Farm a few years ago, and in previous years the deer have completely eaten it. We sprayed it thoroughly this year and the deer have stayed away. The blossoms are on a fairly short stem. Peaches and Cream.

7/02 Breakfast Of Champion-not
Although it did have lots of good fruit on it. This was our lunch with a group after church today. I felt like splurging, since close to my birthday, a Sunday, and Holiday Weekend. It was delicious, and the fruit was fresh and good.

6/27 Bee On Milkweed
First of a hundred tries to get a good bumble bee on a flower--they move so fast and don't spend a lot of time on one flower bunch. But, the light was good here and I had the camera already focused on this bunch of flowers.

6/23 Jack In Pulpit Seeds
This seed head is forming where the spadix was. In the Fall they will turn a bright flame red, and they say you can plant these seeds in the Spring. I would think they also need to be exposed to a cold moist environment over the winter.

6/22 Asiatic Lilies
These great flowers have been blooming for about 4 days now, and show no signs of stopping. They didn't get eaten by the deer this year, so have been doing well.

6/21 Yellow Daylily
Beautiful hybrid daylily. We also have a couple more varieties which will bloom later.

6/20 New Tub Fixture
Tub didn't drain properly-found out the lifting mechanism was corroded and the stopper had fallen down.

6/19 Maiden Pink
First time I've seen this around here. Only a single plant.
Addendum: Since this one, I've found several others in the woods where this one was.

6/17 Steel Sculpture "Fire"
Part of Krasl Art pieces in St. Joseph, MI. This is taken rather close, so only shows a part. But it reminds me of a shirt flying in the breeze.

6/16 Milkweed Blossoms Forming
Our weather has been so hot the last 10 days, that the milkweed is growing very fast and has buds forming already. Our patches of milkweed are doing well, but not old enough to flower.

6/15 Seeds On Viburnum
The birds, especially cardinals like these seeds during late fall and winter. There will be a great number this year.

6/14 My Work Table After A Pour
These pours are similar to the ones I did a year or two ago, except the paint is diluted more which lets it flow better, and the addition of silicone, to let it separate.

6/13 Ceiling At Honda Dealership
Took the car in for G&O today. Pretty gray and blue colors in the waiting area.. Good inspiration for a painting.

6/9 Deer Repellent
The makings of a quite effective deer repellent. It's colorful before being mixed together. Top layer is Pepper Oil, and the bottom layer is Dawn liquid soap--to be mixed with a big bottle of water in a sprayer.

6/8 Milkweed Hanky Panky
Here's the real reason more milkweed beetles this year. The early insect I found almost a week ago turned into this female adult. They let me get pretty close to them for this shot--they were too busy. :_)

6/7 Fly and Prey
Was curious why this fly/wasp let me get so close to it as I couldn't see it as I was taking this shot. . Looks like a small grasshopper it was feasting on.

6/6 Yellow Begonia
Barb planted some new flowers in the big pot on front porch. It's a pretty shady spot, and these flowers seem to like it there.

6/4 Milkweed Beetle Probably Instar Stage
Last year this patch of milkweeds were all loaded with these orange and black insects--all with a proboscis inserted in the seed pods. So, expect to see them again even greater numbers this year.

6/3 Melting Frost On Ice Cream
This was on the lid of the ice cream container--it was at the end and we finished it off.

6/1 GroundCover-Beacon Slver Lamium
First year I've seen this bloom. Beautiful purplish-pink blossoms and a silvery white leaf. Grows in shade and is only about 6 inches tall.

5/31 Double Ruffled Iris
New irises we got from a friend last year. First bloom--they are really beautiful.

5/30 Unknown Insect-Possible Instar form
have never seen anything like this, and am curious if anyone can name it. Sort of looks like a larval form, but has prominent legs.

5/25 Jack-In-The-Pulpit
Really big this year, and has two jacks on it. The spathe on this one just seems to glow in the dark shade where it's at.

5/ 24 Our Big Rhododendron Full This Year
And it's hiding a robin on her nest on the windowsill just off the right side of the image.

5/23 Beautiful Canada Balsam
Wasn't too many years ago they were only about shoulder height--and now they're probably 25 ft. high.

5/22 Asian Irises
I think that's what they are called. They're a little smaller than the common variety.

5/19 Mackinac Island Historical Museum
And off to the left is part of the back of the Visitor Center for the Mackinac Island State Park

5/18 Carol's Oil Pastels
Two Carols in our group and both working in oil pastels, but yet each distinctive and attractive.

5/16 One Of Favorite Eateries
Another favorite restaurant/bar. (There's a bar in every restaurant in town.)

5/15 No-Smoking
Seems like everyone on the island smokes. It's especially noticeable at night when bar and restaurant employees are outside taking breaks.

5/11 More Oak Leaves Coming Out
They start and end so colorful, but in between for the whole summer are just plain green.

5/10 Near Dark No Tripod
Practicing hand holding and supporting without a tripod. Notice the road is brighter on the right side--from an approaching car.

5/5 Glass Blowing 101
Were blowing all sorts of things as demonstrations for their classes in glass blowing.

5/4 Dogwood In Woods
Dogwood in full bloom, but it rained all day today so they looked a little beaten.

5/3 Oil Bubbles On Water
Used regular motor oil, on a painted background. See also a couple images on the Abstract Image page.

5/2 Blind Shot Under Low Tree Looking Up
Took this without looking at the image on the phone screen. Just increased the shadows a little. Didn't have to even crop it.