I’ve been remiss in posting regularly. Will get back on track with this post–my entry in the big ISEA Show. This year it will be in Lowell Michigan, so I’ll be able to hand deliver my framed painting.

This started life out as a dirty acrylic pour–on a 20×30″ piece of Foamcore board. The one thing I’ve learned from it was NEVER use Foamcore board for any watermedia. It warps and buckles the whole thickness of the board, and that’s what happened with this. In the process of warping, of course all the cells ran to the center of the board. I later tried to peel the painted part off of the foam and it tore, irregularly, especially in areas where the paint had soaked through the upper paper layer.
Well, when you get lemons, make lemonade. After much deliberation I took the pieces that had torn off and placed them back on the foam backing with some of the areas that I hadn’t been able to get off. After these were all glued down and emphasis lines and filled in areas done, I painted the black areas with black gesso, so that it was all uniform, and then sealed it with a UV satin coating.
Be sure to comment or ask questions. Thanks