Plight of Tasmanian Devils

This is sort of a commentary for awareness of the plight of the Tasmanian Devils that are being driven to extinction by a cancer that is passed from one individual to another by biting in fighting over food, and then causes grotesque enlargement of face and tongue, so that the animals can't eat and they starve to death. See all the details here and here.

This painting was started using a spinning flat platform that I can put the paper on and then drop the ink onto it. I started working on doing some emphasizing hand work this Fall, and now I think it's finished. Will have to look at it for a few more days before I'll be sure. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Plight of Tasmanian Devils”

  1. Thanks very much Sami.

    Originally posted by serola:

    Very sad story though

    Yes it is, but now that it's becoming more known in the zoological community, and even the public as a whole there is an effort underway to save them from complete extinction. 🙂

  2. Fantastic painting in every meaning of the word. :yes:

    Yes, the Tasmanian Devil cancer is horrific. It's very rare for a cancer to be transmittable.

  3. Thanks so much Richard. Appreciate your comments. 🙂 Yes, it's a very unusual tumor. At first they thought it was a virus that was transmitted that caused the tumor. It still might turn out to be the case, or something closely related to a virus.

  4. Originally posted by Blackcalla:

    At first they thought it was a virus that was transmitted that caused the tumor. It still might turn out to be the case, or something closely related to a virus.

    And that's actually a very interesting part here, to discover the cancer may become infected from a creature to another. But on the other hand, why not. For example lung cancer often starts from harmful particles in ones lungs. Therefore one also may get that those harmful particles if you get bitten by another creature.

  5. Originally posted by serola:

    And that's actually a very interesting part here, to discover the cancer may become infected from a creature to another.

    There are some human cancers that are thought to have a virus origin or accelerated and helped by a virus–some leukemias are a good example. 🙂

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